Thursday, November 29, 2007

New York Post III

Day three was another great day, weather wise and other wise ! The bug that had closed down my official mail box got fixed and all my mail came through. Every time I travel, I pray for my daily bread and daily byte :) With out connectivity I feel marooned in a unpopulated Island. The good thing was that my personal mail worked and so I was in touch with the rest of the world . Another great thing that happened yesterday was hearing Bina's voice ( The women I fell in love and married 25 year's ago ! - we are still in Love!)

On this trip I am having difficulty with the international phone lines and was not able to call home every day. Now we have found a simple work around and I am able to connect home again through Mr. Bell's invention !

The team dinner at the Indian restaurant was the highlight of the day. Forty of us crammed into one of the private dining rooms and ordered every thing on the menu.Often I was consulted on what should be ordered . . . For many of my colleagues this was a first time experience with Indian food. Unfortunately some of the food that we ordered did not have the authentic Indian touch to it but no one seemed to care , the togetherness was more important . I had taken along my Cannon IXUS to get some good pictures of the event but the lighting was very dim and I ended up with some poor images. The spicy shrimp curry that I ordered was disappointing but on the whole it was a good evening. Well that was all about yesterday and now the new day is here, 5 minutes past 6 AM,US Eastern Time . . . Wow, the precious gift of another day! It is up to me how I use this day, the choice is mine, I can put in my best into the day to find solutions for my Customers, touch lives, be a Blessing to people around me or stay put in my corner complaining and whining about endless list of things going wrong. I don't know about you but as for me, I am excited about the new day and rejoice at the immense possibilities the day offers and the many Blessings that I enjoy!

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